A tour-de-force of vocal-free eclectic instrumental jams and hypnotic ethno jazz.
Neon Faces is a group that performs original compositions and arrangements of songs from all over the world, told in the languages of jazz, latin, funk and electronic music. The quartet was formed in August 2020 after a spontaneous but significant performance as part of “Moving Out” Concert Series organised by Ethan Smith in collaboration with Krakow Music.
The musicians were united by their common taste for improvisation and the joy of a subtle connection of minds while playing, reminiscent of a cordial and intimate conversation. Perhaps it is thanks to this that their concerts take listeners not only on a musical but also on an inner journey and leave them with a sense of relaxation and harmony.
The band conducts research in the music of various cultures, taking on the themes and melodies that best reflect the main idea of the band that accompanies them from the beginning – being together and being for each other, as in music, as in the world and its perception.
Neon Faces to grupa wykonująca autorskie kompozycje oraz aranże utworów z różnych zakątków świata, opowiadane językami jazzu, latin, funku, z elementami muzyki elektronicznej. Kwartet uformował się w sierpniu 2020 po spontanicznym lecz znamiennym występie w ramach “Moving Out” – serii koncertów organizowanych przez Ethana Smitha we współpracy z Kraków Music.
Muzyków połączyło upodobanie do improwizacji oraz radość z subtelnego połączenia umysłów podczas gry, przypominającego serdeczną i intymną rozmowę. Być może to dzięki temu ich koncerty zabierają słuchaczy nie tylko w muzyczną, ale także w wewnętrzną podróż i pozostawiają z poczuciem odprężenia i harmonii.
Zespół prowadzi poszukiwania w muzyce różnych kultur, biorąc na warsztat tematy i melodie najlepiej oddające myśl przewodnią zespołu, która towarzyszy im od początku – bycie razem i bycie dla siebie, w muzyce oraz w świecie i jego odczuwaniu.
…the group veer towards the fringes of free jazz, but they were not afraid to also dabble in more progressive rock drones, with swirling and visceral sax interjections from Ethan Smith that jolted the listener out of their dreamy reverie. There was space and colour here in the floating improvisational structures of their own compositions, and the music’s meandering twists and turns always focused the listeners’ attention. Such an intuitive sense of dynamic and musical understanding between the members was striking.
— Shaun ONeill
Tiny Studio Sessions
Neon Faces’ first studio recording, this four-track sample was an opportunity for both, the quartet and the audio engineer, Piotr Wende, to get some studio time. Use headphones for best experience. 🎧
“We had an opportunity to have fun in a studio. Piotr wanted to practice his recording chops. We were obviously well rehearsed at the time. So we went and played.” — Ethan Smith
- Tiny Studio Sessions - Absence of Solitude6:37
- Tiny Studio Sessions - Neon Haze11:13
- Tiny Studio Sessions - Raag Piloo (Ravi Shankar)6:02
- Tiny Studio Sessions - Step Forward5:42
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