

A powerful stoner-doom Kraków-based four-piece

Assembled in 2017, Moonstone has stormed the stages of Kraków with their dynamic take on stoner-doom metal. Released in 2019, their self-titled debut album is an intense combination of eerie vocals and thunderous instrumentals. A surge of hypnotic guitar riffs, heavy bass, and pounding drums from start to finish, Moonstone is a riotous newcomer to the scene, one which is sure to leave you intoxicated in every sense of the word. Their new EP 1904 is now available for streaming and preorder. Don’t miss the trip.

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1904 (EP, 2021)

Magma, the first track off of their latest EP continued the voyage with face-melting rawness, though in true doom fashion, it changed gears downward into a sludgy, semi-molten tempest of more Iommi-inspired riffage and ear-splitting high-frequency lead guitar screams. What seemed like the end of the song was but a mere peaceful, dream-like intermission before a driving climax replete with raw distortion, howling leads and a fast-paced finale that leveled everything in its wake.

— Bogdan Markiewicz (Kraków Music Blog)
