
Tag: jazz

Piotr Libelt

A Kraków-based keybordist and pianist.ENGLISH 🇬🇧POLSKI 🇵🇱ENGLISH 🇬🇧Keyboard and piano. POLSKI 🇵🇱FollowListen CONTACT - BOOK Gallery more musicacoustic alternative alternative rock ambient blues brass Brazilian classical contemporary cover band drum and bass duo electro-pop electronic folk folk rock free jazz funk improvisation indie indie folk instrumental jazz latin lo-fi pop...

Ablaye Badji

World music with a prominent West African influence and the unique sound of the kora! Ablaye Badji is a multi-instrumentalist, a member of the griot family – Cissoko. Ablaye was born and grew up in Ziguinchor, Senegal. Surrounded by the cultural and musical richness of his ancestors, he began his...

Bodo Tanga

A Local Jazz Quintet with Class!Styles come and go... but CLASS never goes out of style. That is BODO TANGA, a Kraków-based quintet playing jazz music and beyond. The Band: Marysia Kruczek - Vocals Bartek Bąk - Drums Damian Seweryn - Keys Jean-Philippe Breuil - Bass Piotr Persona - Guitars...

Się Zobaczy

An acoustic sound inspired by the "unplugged" concert series and blending elements of jazz & folk.Polski 🇵🇱English 🇬🇧Polski 🇵🇱Się Zobaczy to pięcioosobowa grupa doświadczonych muzyków wywodzących się z Krakowa prezentujących unikalną mieszaninę stylów. W twórczości zespołu najwyraźniej można dostrzec inspirację akustycznymi koncertami rockowymi nurtu „unplugged”, ale nie brakuje w niej...

Hot Tamales

A unique blend of blues, jazz, folk & gospel!Already during their first concert in January 2015, the band captivated their audience and gained a faithful fan base. In a short amount of time, Tamales became one of the most listened and appreciated bands of the young acoustic-style generation in Poland....

Łukasz Pietrzak

A harmonica-playing style combining the instrument’s rich tradition with innovative techniques!ENGLISH 🇬🇧POLSKI 🇵🇱ENGLISH 🇬🇧A versatile harmonica-player, Lukasz feels equally at ease in blues, jazz, folk and singer-songwriter music. Already at a young age, he has managed to make his mark in numerous concerts in Poland and abroad with an enthusiastic...

Ethan Smith

Ethan Smith, a musician hailing from the distant shores of Cape Town, South Africa, moved to Krakow in September 2016. Smith started building his career in Poland from the ground up - literally. For his first few years in Krakow, he was seen performing on the street in Krakow's Main...

Oskar Czechowicz

 Oskar Czechowicz: composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalistA composer, arranger, singer and multi-instrumentalist (viola, keyboards, guitar, bass, sax), Oskar Czechowicz loves both, the complexity and minimalism that can characterise genres such as jazz, progressive rock or contemporary classical music. CONTACT - BOOK Videos Follow more musicacoustic alternative alternative rock ambient blues brass Brazilian...

José González

José González: a versatile, self-taught guitarist from Costa RicaA self-taught musician from Costa Rica, he plays the guitar comfortably in a variety of genres such as rock, blues, jazz, reggae, keeping always a strong "latino-rock" influence. With a formal education on electric engineering and renewable energies, his passion for the...

Stephen Sydenham

Stephen Sydenham: performing singerSinging for over 30 years both on stage and in studio, Stephen first started performing in musicals and went on to do a range of work including stage musicals, vocals/backing sessions, cover bands performances as well as jingles and advertising material. He sings with the local cover...