At age fifty and with a steadily successful, three-decade career, Leszek Możdżer has built a solid international reputation and consolidated himself as the best contemporary Polish jazz pianist. His incursion into jazz during his early twenties was well-cemented by collaborations with renowned musicians such as Zbigniew Namysłowski, Tomasz Stańko, Michał Urbaniak and Adam Pierończyk to name a few. His first individual mention at the International Jazz Juniors ’92 Competition in Kraków was the starting point of an avalanche of awards sloping down for two decades including two Fryderyk awards: Jazz Musician of the Year (1998) and Album of the Year (2011) for the film music album, Kaczmarek by Możdżer.
From the plethora of noteworthy projects Możdżer is involved in, two stand out for their influence and impact in the world of jazz in Poland and abroad: (1) the Enter Enea Festival in which he acts as artistic director and recently hit the one decade milestone in 2020; and (2) the international trio with Swedish bassist Lars Danielsson and Israeli percussionist Zohar Fresco, which has sprouted several tours and albums including “Just ignore it,” the latest one featuring the Holland Baroque.
On the occasion of his 50th birthday, here’s a selection of Lesław Możdżer’s music. Let us know what you think.
Pasodoble. Lars Danielsson, Leszek Mozdzer
Możdżer Danielsson Fresco – Eden, Wrocław 2006
Możdżer Danielsson Fresco & Holland Baroque – Don’t Give Up (Just Ignore It)
Gloria Campaner & Leszek Możdżer – Live at Enter Enea Festival 2017

Graduate of the Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk (1996).
©Przemyslaw Krzakiewicz/
His international reputation as one of the outstanding pianists in jazz is founded on his groundbreaking and smooth interweaving of sound aesthetics and mixing the culture of classical music with the openness and energy of jazz.
Możdżer’s swaying swing and slow-melody nuances suggest Keith Jarrett at times, but his outbursts of percussive playing, flinty treble-note sparks and staccato drum-pattern sounds are all his own.
I consider him to be the greatest talent among Polish jazz pianists of recent years”, “Personally, I think Leszek is the best Polish pianist.
— Zbigniew Preisner (